sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2014


Well, i will talk about of the best holidays that i've living,
It's was more or less three years ago. I traveled to Coyhaique,specify to my uncle's house. i stayed 21 days in this place. I traveled with other aunt on a airplane.
First we arrive to the Balmaceda airport and my uncle was waiting for us to take to her house. This travel from Balmaceda to Coyhaique it was a little long, because the airport is far from the city.

I visited many places with my uncle and one cousin. We traveled to Puerto Cisnes, Chile Chico, Los antiguos ( a small village on Argentina) General Carrera lake, and to her house in the country on Seis Lagunas.
I remember that on Los Antiguos i ate the most delicious and juicy piece of meat, a Bife de Chorizo. After to stay in this village we moved to Chile chico ( it's too close to Los antiguos) This place is wonderful. Is Very small and quiet. It's a perfect place to live on peace and relaxed, without pollution, stress, and other bad things who have on the big cities like santiago.

Definitely these were my best vacations (for the time being) because i met a very beautiful and relaxing places, a people too friendly and in this time how i was stay in Coyhaique i forgot all the preoccupations for the city life, and only i relaxed and enjoed this place and the moment.

2 comentarios:

  1. Southern Chile have beautiful environments and their food is very tasty

  2. Hi Pablo, I have heard how beautiful those palces are. I hope yoou can go back!

    I´d like to make some comments on your post:

    First, don´t forget, say, " i will talk about the best holidays that i've HAD".

    Also, ",I traveled with AN aunt on AN airplane" and " we arriveD AT Balmaceda airport and my uncle was waiting to take US to HIS house

    In a narration, after the word "after" (or "before") + a verb, this verb goes in -ing.

    " After STAYING in this village we moved to Chile chico "

    Finally, you "meet" people, but you "visit" places.

    Here is a site for reviewing prepositions


    2 pts
